Fixed bug in "you have written for the day" banner

As always, what I thought was easy usually ends up not. Assumed that the date-streaks package had a ready data variable to use to track if a user had written for the day. But ended up being inaccurate, possibly due to it calculating based on a 24h window. I didn't want to dive into the package to make changes, so decided to roll my own component that did this:

* fetch last/most recent post of logged in user from API endpoint using filter params `.......?${user}&_sort=id:DESC,published_at:DESC&_limit=1`
* convert timestamp of last post to a epoch/unix time Date object, using .getTime()
* using last post Date object, create another Date object of the following midnight in epoch time, using .setHours(24, 0, 0, 0)
* using previous midnight Date object, create another Date object of the following midnight after next in epoch time, using .setHours(24, 0, 0, 0)
* create another Date object for the current time in the user's browser, using
* if next midnight is more than current time, then show "You have written for the day" success banner
* if next midnight is less than current time & midnight after next is more than current time, then show "Write now to maintain streak" warning banner
* if current time is more than midnight after next, then show nothing