Day 917 - Good old days -

There's this poignant scene from The Office US where Andy was saying, “I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.”


Things ain't easy on my indie journey right now. The past few years had been pure struggle. All these [hard truths]( are hard sh*t to deal with.

All tough questions.
No easy answers.
No handholding here.

All the while looking on either side at others getting through it with ease.

Sometimes you feel like rage quitting.

But somewhere in the future, a future me will be looking at this moment now and saying what Andy said.

These are the good old days.

That I will reminiscience at my struggles and look upon them fondly.
That I will re-read the writings here, and wonder what the hell was I thinking.
That I will pine to live this day, this moment, all over again, if I had the chance.

These are the good old days. And I've not left them yet.

I can still act now, to not miss them.