Day 658 - Squirrels & startups -

Fun fact by a new Twitter account [@stats_feed]( I just discovered and enjoying:

> Squirrels fail to recover up to 74% of the nuts that they bury, unintentionally planting new trees in the process. 🐿

Nothing in Nature is ever wasted. Even mistakes.

The mistake of one creature ends up being beneficial to other plants or creatures, and overall great for the ecosystem.

It's interesting to see this from the perspective of entrepreneurship and the market.

Every mistake, loss or failure, is a mistake, loss or failure *to you*. But for the ecosystem—of other founders, businesses, customers—those mistakes, losses and failures might be planting seeds for other new ideas, products and businesses in the ecosystem, sometimes without us being aware it's doing that.

You try launching a SaaS to help people share their links using Google Sheets. You failed (sounds familiar?). But because you shared the story publicly, it might inspire or nudge someone to try something similar in his or her own way, or something totally different. He or she might end up succeeding where you failed. And all the interaction you had with this founder could be a Like, or maybe not even any interaction at all.

So the world is the better for it, even though it felt worse (to you) when you failed.

I like that sharing about my journey—wins or losses— are helping the ecosystem even if I don't directly benefit from it.

Perhaps if the world is better for it; perhaps if that uplifts the entrepreneurship ecosystem, we all rise together with it. Subtly. Invisibly.

I love how squirrels were the inspiration for today's post, for something as serious as startups and entrepreneurship.

Be like a squirrel.