Day 344 - Completed

How it started: Why I did #100daysofmarketing
• Goal: Find 1 repeatable distribution channel for Lifelog
• Why: I tried marketing for 2 months in Jul-Aug but had no results. My efforts were scattered. I was frustrated. So I set a 100-day challenge to improve focus and make learning more intentional, and ultimately shift my identity.
• Started on 1 Sep, ended 9 Dec 2021
• Wrote 42 posts to document my journey of #100daysofmarketing
• Logged my tasks every day on Twitter for public accountability

Metrics: Before vs after - % difference
• Twitter followers: 1137 vs 1858 - 721↑, 63%↑
• Lifelog: Added 12 new members, 3 new paid (still on free trial)
• SEO: 4k vs 6k monthly page views from 103 blog posts
• Medium followers: 184 vs 245 - 61↑, 33%
• Channels reached: 2 (Twitter, Instagram) vs 12 (add Medium, Quora, Facebook, LinkedIn, Telegram, Indie Hackers,, Hashnode, Codenewbies, Hacker News)

• Achieved goal of finding 1 repeatable distribution channel for Lifelog = Twitter. But realised that 1 channel is not enough, no matter how repeatable or scalable
• Tripled my publishing volume, created a new content hub for my marketing efforts
• Iterated my Twitter approach 3 times
• Got 2 viral tweets which I learned a lot from (i.e. it’s all chance)
• Rekindled my childhood passion of drawing, and started sketching for Visual Twitter