Day 328 - Twitter reset v3.1

I need to get even more direct.

But how do I find people in the creator + writing space?

My Twitter reset v3.1:

• Research and find accounts in my problem space – creators + writing. Who are the influencers I look up to in this space? Follow them.
• Screen through 5 such accounts with >10k followers and 5 accounts with 1-3k followers.
• Follow them, turn on notifications. Add them to a Twitter list.
• Refer to your notification feed or list feed. Reply to every tweet they tweet out.
• Here’s the most crucial step: Turning on notifications also means I can see their every reply to other accounts. Accounts which I assume are their target audience. I’ll in turn reply to every account they reply in.
• Of course, with every reply, provide value and attention-worthy content.
• That way, I expose my account to the right people who are my potential customers, by riding on the audience of these influencer accounts.
• Caveat: Avoid Money Twitter accounts - they have their own inner circles and replying there won’t give returns.