Day 874 - Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. -

They say, for entrepreneurship:

> Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

Reminded me of this famous photo of Jeff Bezos building Amazon from ground zero, using a door as a desk.


So what exactly do I have to offer that can get me an extra $1000 per month? [Someone]( suggested I do this:

> 1. write down all your skills.
> 2. see if you can provide a service using them where time = money
> 3. reach out to your network to see if anyone needs help with those skills.
> 4. charge >$250 so you need 4 people max.

Okay so here goes:

1. My skills: Design thinking, design research, coaching for design thinking, web design, web development, building simple apps, copywriting, social media marketing,

2. What can I offer:
- Design thinking, design research:
- [Doing] My design consultancy for government and non-profits.
- [Doing] Freelance in design research.
- [New] Advisory for scoping tenders for design services.
- Coaching for design thinking:
- [Doing] Training for organisations.
- [New] 1-on-1 coaching for folks in design industry.
- Web design &/or development:
- [Doing] Sweet Jam Sites (but wanted to shut it down previously).
- [New] Create niche websites - listing directories, Carrd sites
- [Doing] Building tech for good apps by applying for grants.
- [New] Build micro-SaaS as consulting?
- [New] Software consulting by building Carrd plugins?
- Copywriting & social media marketing:
- [New] Fiverr or Upwork writing gigs
- [New] Write technical or niche blog posts for creator/indie hacker/web dev/keto/sleep biohacking industry
- [New] Ghost-writing tweets or content?
- [New] Write social media content for technical or niche blog posts for creator/indie hacker/web dev/keto/sleep biohacking industry

3. Who I can reach out to:
- Design thinking, design research:
- Contacts in government and non-profits.
- Post on LinkedIn and Twitter about needing projects.
- Cold message contacts to ask if they have gigs.
- Market new offerings on social media.
- Coaching for design thinking:
- Cold outreach to organisations about design thinking coaching and training offerings.
- Post about 1-on-1 coaching for folks in design industry.
- Web design &/or development:
- Tweet about offer to create niche websites - listing directories, Carrd sites.
- Apply for new grants to build tech for good apps.
- Tweet about my new offering to build micro-SaaS as consulting
- Email to existing customers about software consulting by building Carrd plugins?
- Copywriting & social media marketing:
- Check out Fiverr or Upwork for writing gigs
- Cold outreach about writing technical or niche blog posts for creator/indie hacker/web dev/keto/sleep biohacking industry

4. Of all the ideas, I just need to get say 5 clients at $199 each. 5 does feel possible! Or:
- 1 client Γ— $1000
- 2 clients Γ— $500
- 4 clients Γ— $250
- 5 clients Γ— $199
- 10 clients Γ— $99
- 20 clients Γ— $50
- 50 clients Γ— $20
- 100 clients Γ— $10

*So what else can I look into that I can offer?*