Day 897 - Dedicated yet relaxed -

"You can be relaxed and dedicated. Just because you worry more, doesn't mean you care more." – [James Clear](

That's my goal when it comes to any project or goal in life. Dedicated. But relaxed.

Doing the former part was easy. All the sports training from school came in handy. Discipline was seldom an issue. Throw in an obsessive, competitive, Type A sort of attitude and you got a formula for dedication.

But the same strengths are also my weakness when it comes to the "relaxed" part.

In the past I used to conflate dedication and worrying. I assumed the worrying was part of what made the dedication worked. So just as I put in the reps for my training, I put in the reps for the worrying.

So finite games like sports, it's not so bad. But when you put obsessive worrying over long term into infinite games like life issues and entrepreneurship, your mental health suffers.

Thing is, relaxing isn't hard on its own. It's easy to do when you're on vacation, for example.

It's being relaxed while being dedicated that's hard. And I dare say, hard for most people to do *well* in. Because it's about balancing. Enough tension to matter, enough slack to be happy.

I'm nowhere near that perfect balanced state, and have no answers to how to get better at it.

*Any ideas?*