Day 867 - Average effort repeated for an above-average amount of time -

"Sometimes all you need for exceptional results is average effort repeated for an above-average amount of time." – [James Clear](

OK so if I followed what James Clear said for my indie hacking journey, what average effort should I be repeating for an above-average amount of time?

- I keep building and launching new average products with average performance, didn't go viral. But I keep building and launching for years. One day, I might hit an exceptional opportunity, or my skills at shipping fast or shipping complex apps get to a point where I can leverage on exceptional opportunities that way.
- Every week and month I put myself out there learning how to sell and market my stuff. The posts, emails, DMs, side projects do only average, but over years, I learn how to engage with customers and occasionally some go viral.
- Building an audience. Tweet and post on social media every day, and 90% of time it only gets average views. But over years I get the hang of the vibe and start to know what is most engaging.
- Staying healthy. Health is so underrated. We sit down for long hours, work 24/7, and wonder why we're less productive compared to a year ago. By keeping fit, having daily movement, eating well every single day for average effort, I keep my energy levels high so keep at the long game.
- Staying in business, not having to go back to fulltime employment. Just staying in business long enough means average effort put in for a long time. And in a long enough time span, you watch the competitors fade away.

*What other average effort in indie hacking is often underrated, but if repeated for a long enough time, would help us get to exceptional results?*