Day 516 - May wrap-up -

πŸ“ˆ Current MRR: US$129 (all from Lifelog)
πŸ“Š One-off revenue: ~US$418.55

Twitter stats - May vs Apr
– Tweets: 1537 vs 1466
– Tweet impressions: 346K vs 390K
– Likes: 3.8K vs 4.1K
– Engagement rate: 4.2% vs 3.9%
– Profile visits: 67K vs 79.3K
– Mentions: 1652 vs 1643
– New followers: 237 vs 406
– Link clicks: 955 vs 818
– Retweets: 341 vs 332
– Replies: 1.5K vs 1.4K


40% of 2022 had passed. Time for a reality check.

I tend to prefer being optimistic most of the time, but I feel the days are passing me by way faster than I can feel them, and that makes me feel anxious.

What have I achieved so far?

Still low MRR.
Still no $5K/m revenue.
Still no breakthrough products.

I had set an intention to try #30daysofluck challenge for May, but got side-tracked by Sheet2Bio. In a way that’s good. I launched my 2nd SaaS. That’s another opportunity that can buy me more luck.

The past few months were hopeful, forward-looking ones. But with the halfway point coming up on the year, I think being realistic is in order. Hopefully, the switch of focus for early morning deep work will help me make more progress too.

I definitely need to double down on getting to ramen profitability.
Jason Leow Author

Thanks @danielcodex ! Yeah small wins are the only thing to take comfort in rn


i really feel that the days are passing by really fast. i work for a little bit (how i feel) then it's 11pm at night πŸ˜‚. but hey congratulations on your tweet stat. small wins it's still a win.


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