Day 670 - November goals -

My intentions for November is simple:

- Finish well for my consulting gigs
- Start from zero for my products

I'm super grateful for the extended runway from my consulting, so it's a matter of continuing that practice of gratitude in action, as I had been doing the past 2 months already. One gig ends this week while another smallish one starts next week. I should be all done before November ends. I really want to do a good job and end well.

The great thing about doing a portfolio of products and services is that it allows me to walk away (briefly) from one or a few projects while I focus on another. The past 2 months of consulting had been a break from my indie products, so to speak. It gave me fresh perspective. That's where starting from zero comes into play...

Starting from zero for my products sounds simple, but probably harder than it seems. I don't know what that truly means in practice, but in theory, I find myself wanting to start on a clean slate. Without any preconceived or blindly inherited notions of right or wrong, should or must. Not following ideas and ideals of success or failure, but just really seeing my projects for what they are, as objectively as possible. To not hold on to it out of false gods, or as Daniel Vassallo likes to say:

> Treat your projects like cattle not pets.

Easier said than done, but I would like to try.

That's not to say I will shut down projects that aren't doing well or earning revenue. I'll likely just keep them around, just not commit any effort or bandwidth to them. And focus on the bets that have shown potential through real data.

Jason Leow Author

Thanks Fajar!

Fajar Siddiq

Love this one!!!!


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