Day 49 - Morning recitals & reflections

Every morning at 5am, the first thing I do when I sit down at my workspace is to verbalize my $5k MRR goal to myself.....

β€œI’ll learn my way towards $5k MRR by end 2021. In return, I’ll have fun growing my indie products, and adhere to a happy, healthy habit system. And I’ll surrender.”

I went into this thinking that it’s a way for me to visualize my goal......But two weeks on, I’m discovering a different reason, a better reason. It’s really for introspection, to reflect if I had diligently studied and put into practice what I claim to aspire towards. First thing in the morning, without distractions, mind clear, room quiet. Nothing to run away to or from. Just plain witnessing, a mirror check on the integrity of my actions to my word. It’s not easy, for sure.