Day 254 - Your real competition
Over and over, this lesson repeats itself on my indie hacker journey. The breakthroughs I had were always more about pivoting myself.
Your competitor is not your real competitor.
The real competition is:
• Your ego and stubbornness in face of data
• Disinterest in learning, or not learning fast enough
• Procrastination or hesitation to take a risk
• Opportunities that are distractions
• Bad working/management habits
• Self-doubt or lack of confidence
Basically, willing or unable to adapt and change when the context had changed.
Pivoting oneself over pivoting the company.
Compete against that.
Your competitor is not your real competitor.
The real competition is:
• Your ego and stubbornness in face of data
• Disinterest in learning, or not learning fast enough
• Procrastination or hesitation to take a risk
• Opportunities that are distractions
• Bad working/management habits
• Self-doubt or lack of confidence
Basically, willing or unable to adapt and change when the context had changed.
Pivoting oneself over pivoting the company.
Compete against that.