Twitter marketing

- don't just engage accounts that I turned on notifs for. Not enough. Got to look at my feed and lists once every week too

- research wikipedia/blog/news for business case studies, then repurpose into threads? Add your own experience for real substance/soul. Eg Mcd's is real estate, Starbucks gift cards

- Interacting hack by @dagorenouf: "Basically I stop interacting entirely with other people's content (except replies to my tweets). 2h before / 4 h after my tweets of the day go out. Else I noticed the algo wouldn't favor my own as much at the crucial time when they need early traction. Basically the algo has to pick what it shows from you at moment X. can be a reply, an old tweet, a like, a new tweet... whatever gets the most instant traction wins. So if you are engaging on stuff other than your own tweets, you're at risk that people won't see it first. So if I reply to a tweet that’s viral, then more likely the algo will optimize for that reply than my own tweet as there’s much more attn there now.. I got some very good tweets get outshined by good replies I made just before"