Day 222 - I make, therefore I am

Creation is life, and creating is life-giving.

I probably have way too many projects at hand right now for my own good, but somehow I can’t stop making something new from time to time. It’s not so much about revenue returns, high growth or going viral...I can’t stop making because it helps keep me motivated on this looong indie hacker journey.

There’s something about creating and creation that’s so magically life-giving to me somehow. Something I could never put into words...But like how the magic disappears if the magician reveals the trick, perhaps it’s best to just leave it unexplained this way:

I make, therefore I am.
Jason Leow Author

Yeah man… some days can feel like months sigh.

Carl Poppa 🛸

i need to remind myself more that this is a long, loooong journey…


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