Day 183 - July

Looking forward to a fruitfully busy July:

• A training workshop for a polytechnic
• A consultancy project for a government client
• Potential frequent mini-workshops for another government client

So July will be about exercising my gratitude for being able to stay self-employed, by doing these projects well. That’s really my main mission for the month.

But even while I get to do my day job, I’m allocating my early mornings (5-9am) for my other projects, like Lifelog:

• Launching profile images on Lifelog - had spent the past 2 weeks on it, and grossly underestimated the work involved!
• More content marketing for Lifelog - getting back to some regular coding:content candance
• Doing something about my yet-to-be-launched new project Grublink - doing something new had always been life-giving.

Overall, my July goals and plans don’t look like much. It sounds so normal. But frankly, after months of anxiety and chaos, normal actually sounds pretty good to me.