Day 642 - Dosage & frequency -

Interesting insight about the nature of our likes and dislikes:

"If you like coffee, you don’t really like coffee. You like coffee at a certain dose and frequency. Change the dose and frequency, and what you like and dislike changes. Applies to almost everything." – @dvassallo

Dosage and frequency is an important nuance on our likes/dislikes.

I love coffee, but past 3 cups a day, I start to hate what it does to me.

Likewise, I say I love making products, but really it’s at a specific dosage and frequency too. Focus on one product for too long, and I start to get bored. That’s why I have a portfolio of products to vary my dosage.

I say I love being an indie solopreneur, but in actuality it’s at a specific dosage and frequency. The fun parts has to be a bit more frequent in dosage than the not-so-fun parts (like doing taxes, admin, burnout). The moment the pain is more than the fun, it gets hard to keep at it.

Likewise, the same for dislikes. I used to say I hate coding. But that’s because my dosage and frequency was too low to experience the benefits, to build confidence from competency. Past a dosage point, I started to say I like coding!

Tl;dr - Our likes and dislikes are not fixed. It can change, depending on context (like dosage and frequency). Don’t over-identify with it.