Day 301 - Indie hackers all need a bit of crazy

As an indie hacker and solo bootstrapper, you got to be a bit loopy and crazy to keep going.

Earn $10 on the internet from a single new customer, after months of hard work, and I go “Yaaassssss!”
Earn $22k from a one-month consultancy gig, and I’m like “ok.”

This double life, this internal tension, is killing me. Such is a founder’s life.

You got to allow yourself some crazy, otherwise you’ll really go crazy.
Jason Leow Author

Haha no worries, bro! I mean, I'm grateful and all to still be able to feed the fam. $22k per gig is no small amount, so I don't wanna make it sound like it's nothing. I remember the time when I was gigless due to economic fallout of covid, and how thankful I was to finally get a gig. All in all, gratitude aside, it's more about personal sense of meaning and purpose in my work beyond survival needs.

Carl Poppa 🛸

ah yeah i get it now, it's become "just a job" . i think that's why we need passion projects to make us feel alive :) [sorry i just only read the post]

Carl Poppa 🛸

how can you be only "ok" with $22k 😭😭😭

Jason Leow Author

Haha. caveat: It's not $22k every month for the whole year. I probably only do 2-3 such gigs per year. The bigger reason why $22k is only "ok"…. I explained in my post. When the heart is not really there anymore, it's hard to get excited about it other than an "ok, my survival needs are met."


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