Day 710 - Calm before the sleep -

So much of sleep quality has got to do with calming down before actually sleeping.

Yes there's stuff you should note *during* sleep—like thermal comfort—to ensure you sleep well. But I'm realising that the main barrier to good sleep quality in our modern lives seems to be about what we do *before* sleep, how we settle down the mind and body.

Our always on culture keeps us alert right to the minute before we drop off to sleep. All that blue light from our phone screen, TV and home lights in the evening and at night doesn't help. We mindlessly watch content that keeps us up till late, keeping our brains in wakefulness mode. Some even work out 2-3h before bed because that's the only time we have after work.

We had basically forgotten what good sleep hygiene is:

- Wind down routines 1-2h before bed to settle down
- Drink beverages like camomile tea to help you relax
- Do things that don't require electricity, e.g. read, talk, journal
- Meditate or stretch before bed to slow down
- No screens in evening
- Switch to warm lights in the house
- Dim down the lights in evening
- No exercise within 2-3h of bedtime
- Do relaxation breathing exercise upon lying down to relax more
- Chat with your family or partner to release any emotional energy you're keeping in
- Do quick journaling to download thoughts that's still on your mind, that you promise yourself to come back tomorrow
- Left field stuff: Use the Leela Inner Peace or Calm & Rest quantum energy cards

*What else can we do to calm down before sleep?*