Day 190 - More on why advice is overrated

* Advice is often just someone disagreeing because you didn't do it *his* way.
* Feedback is a deeper reflection of the person giving it than the person receiving it.
* Advice has the person's own limitations built it. You might be taking on the limitations of others which you might never have had in the first place.
* Advice without skin in the game, when you don't have to face any downsides, is all too easy to give.
* It's easy to give advice where you can't use the advice yourself. A billionaire saying money isn't everything. A beautiful person saying that beauty is on the inside.
* Advice based on one's personal experiences is not representative of reality. It's just a 0.000000001% slice of reality. Certainly not *your* reality.
* Advice based on their success story that sounds too good to be true, usually is. People cherry-pick only the dots they want to connect, not the dots interplaying within the real-world situation they were in. You'll be a victim of their own narrative-fixing if you followed their story.