Day 727 - Best & worst of 2022 -

Here's a fun way to review the year of 2022 – best and worst of a thing, event or category in your life this year.

Here's my best and worst project, marketing hack, habit, purchase, tweet:

### Best and worst project

πŸ₯‡ **[Plugins For Carrd](** Last year it was the underdog that won best project. This year, it's still the champ. Revenue had doubled. I continue to enjoy working on it. I'm in more communities than ever. I keep finding new opportunities and ideas to work on. I'm grateful for this.

πŸ’© **[Sheet2Bio](** It was a fun SaaS project to work on, but it failed terribly. I had a solution looking for a problem, and sadly that's always a bad sign for business. True enough, I launched to huge fanfare but the response was dismal. I learned loads from it though! It's still alive though I'm not putting much work into it for now, just biding my time to see what I can do with it.

### Best and worst marketing hack

πŸ₯‡ **Diversifying distribution.** I started being serious on LinkedIn in April. Diversified myself into Reddit and Facebook and started being serious about helping people there, giving value to the community. Got to be a mod for the Carrd Facebook group in Oct. I started newsletters – for myself and for my Carrd plugins project to collect emails. Recently, went to Mastodon as a [Plan B for Twitter]( Platform risk is lower, and I like my current set up.

πŸ’© **Cross-posting between my Twitter accounts.** Such a bad idea. It's so common a practice I didn't much much about it. That's until I saw someone's brand account got banned with zero chance to appeal. The main reason seems to cross-posting (we don't know for sure). Indeed that's in the T&Cs - that no cross-posting between accounts allowed. I've since removed most links or relations the accounts have to each other, and to tweet on their own. No more RTs and QTs.

### Best and worst habit

πŸ₯‡ **Sleep biohacking.** This was best habit last year, and I'd say it's again the best habit I have worked on this year. No other habit got me interested for this long. Of course, few other habits are as infinite a game as sleep. Even after 2 years (I started this in 2020), there's still new things to learn, new biohacking equipment to try, new challenges cropped up every month to manage. Yet when I do it well, no other habit gave as much benefit and impact on health, well-being, mental clarity, and overall joy in life. Sleep truly is the first mover amongst first movers.

πŸ’© **Stress.** The biggest realisation this year was how all my ill health links back to chronic stress, and my lack of habits/routines to destress. Even poor sleep is a side effect of runaway stress. It's the elephant in the room that I never realised till just weeks ago, but am so grateful now for that epiphany, because there's no cure without awareness. The promising upcoming habit to dive deeper into in the new year is stress biohacking.

### Best and worst purchase

πŸ₯‡ **Carrd Pro Plus 100 subscription.** At $159 per year it might be my biggest SaaS subscription, but also my most worthwhile. The most important feature of this plan is I get 100 sites – that way, I can make more templates and plugins without worry! Like they always say, you got to spend money to make money. And at $159 for ONE YEAR, this pays for itself within 1 month of revenue.

Notable mentions:
- Keychron C1 mechanical keyboard – Bought this upgrade in March. No Bluetooth for less EMF exposure. Tenkeyless layout for faster and better functionality. The RGB backlight is always a delight to see and use. The tactile "thock" of each key is delicious to the ears. Keyboards are such underrated investments.
- Sleep tech – Anything that helps me sleep better is always a good investment. The quantum sleep card, anti-snoring device all helped in their incremental ways.

πŸ’© **jasonleow.eth** I bought it my name .eth domain on a whim to jump on the bandwagon, but I had no idea what practical value it can offer. And indeed, after months, it's just another white elephant. I'm not into web3. Neither am I investing much in crypto. Still unsure what problem this solves...

### Best and worst tweet

πŸ₯‡ My [best tweet]( is also now my pinned tweet. It's best not because of performance or likes/impressions, but because it's something I'm super proud of having said it out loud – that my family is my most important reason and anchor, even while I hustle on Twitter. It's gives perspective. It reminds me of what my true priorities, my North Star.

πŸ’© A tweet I won't even link here. I made some comment in someone else's tweet thread about AI art, and got whirlpooled into the toxicity of insecure artists just want to project their fears on others. It's such a waste of time. I hoped for constructive dialogue but was only met with sarcasm and flaming. In the end, I had to mute and block accounts, key words and tweets. It's always amazing to me how much of a nice bubble I found in Twitter, away from the toxicity of politics, identity wars, lame internet fights. Peace.

*So what’s your best and worse for 2022?*