Start Refactoring Project
So I randomly thought about it and recently bumped into the capstone project folder on my Google Drive that it has not left my mind and I think I am going to refactor it using the following tech stack:
- Next.js (Framework)
- ChakraUI (Accessible Components)
- Tailwind CSS (Styling)
- Supabase (Backend) or Custom Built Backend w/ Express, Node, & MongoDB
custom backend for nextjs still is a puzzle for me. most of my experience is with express, now that i worked with next.js i wonder even if need to have custom backend. If you want to use custom backend (with express.js for example) with nextjs can you say why? 🤔 (i really don't know, but curious to know)
When I do start on that version of the backend. I wouldn't mind sharing what I learned.
ha! I actually don't have a reason but I am sure I will find out with the research from learning.
@danielcodex the custom built backend is going to be for learning purposes but I will be using Supabase for production version of the project.
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