Day 557 - Loving speech on yourself -

I’ve seen this pop up several times over the last week, so I take it as a sign, a synchronicity, that I should write to think about it.

It’s always some version of this:

Don’t speak badly about yourself. Don’t say things like “I suck. I’m terrible at X. I hate this part of me.” A part of you—your subconscious, your inner warrior, your spirit, whatever—is always listening. It can’t tell the difference between it being said in jest or seriously, because it’s the same energy.

Perhaps I’m just seeing what I need right now.

Going through a period of creative burnout and low esteem, perhaps my inner voice, my self-talk in my head haven’t been the most kind to myself. Maybe it’s the cause, maybe it’s a symptom. I don’t know. I do know it’s there.

Some ways I speak badly to myself:

“It’s been years. Why are you still not earning enough money from your indie hacking?”

“Everyone’s doing well. Even folks who started later than you are enjoying more success. You’re not any less smart than them. Why are you not achieving what you want?”

“Why do you make it so hard for yourself? Just go do the thing and win.”

“You’re not being a good enough dad. You should be more involved. You should do more. Spend more time with your son. Time will pass you by much faster than you realize. Why work so much?”

“You’re not being a good enough husband. You should plan more dates, do more sweet things. Serve your wife more. Marriage takes effort too, you know.”

“You’ve not been spending time with your parents. They’re old, and time with them is limited. How many more years will you have with them? Seize it.”

Writing them down was nice. I realized I have a strong paternal inner voice, always coaching me in my head.

The first step to recovery is recognition. The second step is to speak differently, using loving speech.

“Easier said than done,” my inner voice went.

We’re gonna need a bigger boat.