Day 639 - October goals -

Setting intentions for October:

### Gratitude
- I liked how I was grateful for the consulting gig in Sept and just focused on delivering it well. Some love practising gratitude by journaling, but that always felt forced to me. How I prefer to express gratitude – through actions. So maybe Oct can be similar – find something I'm grateful for, and focus on doing it well out of gratitude.
- Not difficult to come up with one. My consulting gig is still ongoing, in the final stages of post-production, report-writing. I'll continue to focus on that.
- On top of it, there's a shorter consulting gig for 1 week in mid Oct - will also focus on being grateful for it.

### Alignment
- [Alignment]( is working. Being genuine in how I want to project myself online and how I live had been a deep source of satisfaction. It feels good. I want to continue aligning to my inner compass this way.
- [After having this epiphany about how I succeed when I help others](, I think I'm onto something big here, for myself. That could be the driving mechanism I can make my product(s) succeed. Just find a way to consistently help people directly. The rest will follow.

### Groundwork
- Lay groundwork for product work to come in Nov
- Prepare mentally, think through what I want to do, how I will review and do things differently. I feel a new, different season coming. A new season to how I work on my products, how I show up, how I project myself, how I connect.
- Plan how I will do things differently, not based on what someone successful said but based on real data.
