Day 532 - Being strong vs being happy -

I saw this the other day on my social feeds:

"some of us never found time to be happy because we were too busy trying to be strong." – @PoemHeaven

I felt that. I felt that a lot.

I think my past two years of the pandemic had been about being too busy trying to be strong.

Being strong as the sole breadwinner.
Being strong as a new dad for my firstborn.
Being strong as a husband for my post-partum wife.
Being strong as a son for my elderly parents (who lives with me).
Being strong as a Singaporean for Singapore, and everyone else within.

And being strong for my dreams of being an indie hacker, despite all my failures.

I’ve spent so much time trying to be strong that I’ve never really found much time to be happy the past two years.

No time for fun.
No time for rest.
No time for play.
No time for laughter.
No time for happiness.

It’s no wonder I can feel the flames of an approaching burnout singeing the edges of my spirit. I have to act soon. I have to act fast. Else it can downward spiral real fast.

Or maybe not act at all.

Maybe that’s why I went for a goalless month. Too much action, not enough non-action.

Pulse and pause.
Fajar Siddiq

You've got this!!!!!!!!

Jason Leow Author

Thanks dude! 💪💪💪


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