Day 501 - 500 🔥 -

Joined the 500 day club in Lifelog yesterday. Such milestones are always a good time to reflect about the state of my writing:

- It’s an infinite game: Even after 500 days, I still struggle to know what to write every day. I don’t prepare topics beforehand, but I do collect notes and ideas. Sometimes I get an idea that would be great to write a post about, and I jot it down in my trusty note-taking app – Telegram saved messages

- No system is best system: But despite those struggles, I decided having an elaborate content system for my daily writing habit doesn’t quite work for me. This habit isn’t for content creation. It’s for mental fitness. A minimal set up suffices. It doesn’t have to be perfect or great to be helpful.

- A promise is a promise: Some days my projects and products pull me into their vortex so much that I feel like writing is a hassle. Yes! Even after 500 days. But thanks to my commitment to it and all the benefits I experienced, I still come back and write anyway. When it’s a beneficial non-negotiable, it’s easy to not see it as a choice.

- It’s an iceberg of untapped potential: I have so much content here that’s relevant for distribution elsewhere but I’m not even leveraging 50% of it. Occasionally some posts become short threads, or long ones. But nothing consistent. I should leverage this more.

- Growing old together as siblings: Shout out to the Lifelog folks here who show up every day and write. It’s a strange feeling, but over time I feel like I know some of you more than I know my in real life friends. And the same the other way – I think you know more about me than my real friends. It’s almost like being siblings, but instead of being bonded by blood we are joined by a creative pursuit, a writing habit. For that I’m super grateful.

- No endgame: I’m certain I will keep writing for eternity if there’s no limit. I want to keep going and showing up every day to write. Even after 500 days. It’s a part of me now. A limb.

Onwards to 1000!