Day 744 - Opportunity seeks the unprepared -

Opportunity always seems to come before you're 100% ready.

That seems to be a universal pattern, isn't it? It's like some benign version of Murphy's Law, where whatever bad that can happen will happen, except that in the case of opportunity it is whatever good that can happen will happen, but at the least convenient moment.

In fact, I'd argue, if you feel 100% emotionally and mentally ready when an opportunity appears, if there's not even the slightest drop of fear or anxiety, then it's a sign you've waited too long, thought too hard. It's the universe literally being kind and generous to you, saying "TAKE IT ALREADY." Because most of the time, the opportunity never returns again for you to even have that experience of taking an opportunity when 100% ready.

Why do you think they said fortune favours the bold? You won't need boldness if you're 100% prepared. The yin-yang flip side of that saying is opportunity seeks the unprepared.

The problem is, you think you have time.

Don't feel ready to ask that girl out on a date? Do it anyway.
Don't feel ready to launch your product? Do it anyway.
Don't feel ready to switch jobs? Do it anyway.
Don't feel ready to leap? Do it anyway.

Act today, because there will come a day when you no longer can.

I started 2023 with intentions to [act fast on opportunity](

Here's to feeling unprepared but saying "F**k it I'm doing it" anyway.