Day 571 - Tired of the present -

In my single-minded obsession to hitting my goal, reaching that desired future, I’m no longer alive in the present.

"Everyone on this side of twitter is hustling, building a better future.
With each success, you goals get bigger.
But be careful if in doing so, you’ve become tired of the present.
Better to enjoy each day than always be chasing a goal that moves as fast as you do."
– @thatroblennon

I love how the tweet talks about becoming “tired of the present”.

So true for me.

I want so much to get to that future, that I tire of the present as someone tires of eating the same food every day. I’m bored of the present. There’s nothing here that I want. I want that future where there’s all the things.

And that, is the root of my unhappiness now.

They say, practice patience. I don’t know about patience for the desired future.

I know that the present is the only thing I have. If I’m not alive to the now, I won’t be alive to that future when it arrives. If I’m tired of the present, I’ll waste all the years leading up to it for just one second of satisfaction.

It’s always NOW. One moment to the next.

This is an important reminder.

Present > past/future
Journey > destination
Process > outcome
Means > ends