Day 624 - Fighting for nothing -

What’s one thing you’ve always been good at but for the longest time you fought against, for reasons that’s now strange once you realised it?

Mine is training and coaching.

I fought against doing training for my consultancy work. I always enjoyed doing the work, not training others. I did it only rarely, only when there’s a compelling benefit I can’t pass up, like say a chance to travel to train others. I fought against training and coaching opportunities for the longest time. In fact, all 10 years since I started.

Despite the fact that people tell me I’m good at it. People who observed and worked with me through it. Fellow trainers. Trainees who went through my courses.

I’m not sure why I fought so hard against it.

Sure, I’m an introvert. I get depleted when putting myself out there. Sure, I don’t think I make a good teacher. And when I do teach others I’m always the reluctant teacher. I think I make a better do-er. That’s the stories I tell myself.

But the story I’ve been ignoring in plain sight - I also gain energy when people are appreciative and grow from the process. Lots of energy. I enjoy sharing things I know. I love answering questions. I love co-exploring questions for those which I have no answers for. Above all, helping others is powerful for me. Being able to help others drive me.

Coaching others do all that.

Why have I been fighting this for so long? Was it all for nothing?

Looking back the reasons feel almost lame.

Inwardly, I feel light and delighted, when I think about letting the old stories go and embracing coaching.

I’ve always been a student of life, and the best way to be a student is to try to teach – you’ll realise real quick how little you know.

I’ve always been a teacher. To myself.

Because of that, maybe I can make a good teacher to others too, by sharing what I learned as a student trying to be a teacher.

Time to just f**king embrace it.
Carl Poppa 🛸

Mine is writing. Everyone I know seems to think I'm good at it. I don't think I'm good at writing, and I don't enjoy doing it at all !


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