Day 593 - Different > better -

There’s only one winner when we aim to be better or the best compared to other competitors, but almost everyone can win if we all aim to be known for our own different niche and personality.

Because who can compete with you being authentically you? You in all your weirdness, eccentricities, personality quirks and manners. You with all your random interests, niche hobbies and funny yet fun curiosities. You and your unique life experiences, upbringing, and things you lived through. Even if you think you or your life is boring, you might be leading an interesting life from someone else’s perspective. We’re almost always the worst judge of ourselves.

Like how there’s once I was obsessed with this Japanese YouTuber who filmed his camping trips on his minivan. No face, no music, no talking. Just him driving to camp site, setting up the inside of his car for camp, and cooking, eating, cleaning, going to bed, waking up. Just the visuals and sounds of being out there in the outdoors. Very ASMR. I wasn’t into camping, but I lived vicariously through the video. Almost as if I was there. It provided some solace especially during the lockdowns.

I can almost imagine him asking himself when he filmed his first video, “Who would be interested in this?” I would have certainly stopped myself if I were in his shoes. Yet, he’s doing well. And he certainly got my attention.

There’s 7.9 billion human beings and there’s just as many unique paths through life. Therefore there’s just as many paths to success.

Being better is good, being best is excellent, but different is better than both.

Positive sum, not zero sum.

Different > better