Day 476 - $10 work vs $10k work in indie hacking -

This concept of $10 work vs $10k work by @khemaridh is interesting.

It’s tedious, low impact admin work vs work that truly moves the needle.
It’s a way to think about and to prioritize your tasks at work.
It’s about “penny wise, pound foolish” in productivity.
It’s tactic vs strategy.

In particular, I like the 2x2 matrix

$10 work - low skill, low leverage: Checking email
$100 work - low skill, high leverage: Writing documentation
$1000 work - high skill, low leverage: Developing a keystone skill
$10,000 work - high skill, high leverage: Spotting an opportunity that will 1000x your revenue

The key question to ask is:

Where are the $10k force multipliers in my work?

Let’s take stock.