Day 524 - A creator's dance -

This creator journey often feels like a dance, like tango… 2 steps forward, 3 steps back.

Sometimes I do get net 1 step forward, but it feels less frequent than net 1 step backward.

But I beginning to realise, that net 1 step back isn’t regression.

It actually goes like this:

✅ 2 steps forward
❌ 3 steps back
✅ 2 steps forward
❌ 3 steps back
✅ 2 steps forward
❌ 3 steps back
✅ 2 steps forward
❌ 3 steps back
✅✅✅ 10 steps forward

I was simply gathering momentum, like on a playground swing.

For that one massive swing forward.

Because that 1 massive 10-steps forward swing from the momentum built up from smaller 2-forward-3-back swings would mean over a long enough timeframe the chart still goes trends upwards.

What I’m realising is that even the net 1 step backward is part of overall progress! 😮

Because backward steps bring the lessons, experience and insights. The forward steps bring celebration, motivation and data. But taking a 10,000ft perspective from above, both backward and forward are compounding steps of progress nonetheless.

Another tiny epiphany: It’s simply this @visualizevalue chart turned 90degrees clockwise -

So time to hold on tight, because the massive swing forward might be incoming… All the while, just plain having fun.