LifeBlog - Abstainers vs moderators

When it comes to habits, are you an abstainer, or a moderator?

You’re an abstainer when you find it easier to follow a rule 100% of the time...You’re a moderator when you need to release the pressure a bit from time to time, in order to sustain the longer habit forming journey.

Makes me wonder, how can Lifelog be just as helpful for moderators as with abstainers? Introducing the Most Streaks leaderboard is one way. Moderators can feel free to break their streak, then bounce back again and again, accumulating a series of streaks which will count up in a number called Most Streaks. That way they don’t have to feel bad about breaking their current streak, and have their own way to track progress.

What else can we do to integrate moderators and abstainers here on Lifelog?
Jason Leow Author

@okitsjoe thanks for the ideas! Yeah users can see the no. of posts they wrote now, and soon can see the number of streaks they have (number of times they broke their streak and came back)

Joel Patrizio

I think a simple solution would be counting the total amount of entries, it's a number that will always go up when you are active. I've also seen in the app "Loop Habit Tracker" that you are presented with your own history of previous streaks, so it can be encouraging to try to beat your previous best streak.

Joel Patrizio

Well, it's good you're already logging this data!


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