Day 711 - AI apps -

Seeing all the indie hacker add GPT-3 to their apps is giving me major FOMO. [ChatGPT]( had been the hot trending topic on the internet the past weeks. And you can actually train a version of the AI to suit your apps. The docs make it sound pretty [easy to do]( So that got me thinking:

How would I use it? What AI-powered features would I add?

Just to brainstorm, here's my own list:

- An app to generate prompts for writing, based on your past writings. Paste a link to your Medium, Substack or Lifelog profile, and it spits back writing prompts and ideas based on the words and analytics of each post.
- A social good app to help laypeople find all public assistance initiatives and programmes by asking a question in plain English. AI gets trained on just the government websites, and the app only shows results from those sites.
- A conversational AI chatbot that gets trained on your SaaS's documentation and blog content, and only replies based on those content.
- A mental health bot app that chats with you based on your past journal writings.
- A speech writing app that helps you write speeches for people in the style and tone of voice based on their past speeches, e.g. write speech in voice of Donald Trump πŸ˜‚

If you could create an AI-powered app, what app would you create?