Day 903 - Indie hacking is hard af -

Career switches I made in the past 2 decades:

2003 - Cable tv
2007 - Social welfare
2011 - Web design (self-employed)
2012 - Service design in gov
2015 - Design consultancy agency
2018 - Started indie hacking
2020 - 1st SaaS and MRR
2023 - Still no ramen profitability.. 😕

Indie solopreneurship definitely takes the cake when it comes to how hard it is to "make it"...

In most of my other careers it took 1-2 years, 3 years max to hit my desired goal.

I'm year 5 in indie hacking and still nowhere close!

It got me thinking: WHY?

- It's not due to not having the required skills, knowledge or training. I didn't study media communications, but joined cable tv as my first job. I never studied any web design, but started a web design gig in 2011, and did design consultancy inside government in 2012. In all occasions I learned on the job, picked things up as I went. It was stressful at times, hard all the time, but I learn fast and usually within 1-2 years I hit my stride.

- It's can't be due to running a business, because I started my first business in 2011 in web design, and another in 2015 for a design agency. The only difference is both are services and more analog/in real life, while indie hacking is product-based and more abstract due to being online.

- The key difference is having to learn more about distribution and marketing. And learning how to code (way harder skill to learn than others).

- Season of life. I was single, younger, more energetic. Now, I have family, older, more tired, sleep-deprived. Just energy levels alone to hustle is significantly lower. Risk appetite had also changed - I can't take irrational risks anymore because I got 4 other individuals to feed (being sole breadwinner).

- Timing. The global crisis like the pandemic didn't help. It definitely threw a spanner in the works and added 2 years delay at least.

*What other barriers did you experience yourself when it comes to indie hacking?*
Carl Poppa 🛸

what did you study?

Jason Leow Author

Yeah it's not what i studied for. So it's very interesting indeed.

Carl Poppa 🛸

ah yeah, my ex worked at BBC and did the same kind of programming! interesting journey

Jason Leow Author

Bad habits die hard 😅

Carl Poppa 🛸

oh wow! no wonder you're so philosophical :)

Carl Poppa 🛸

what did you do in cable TV? 👀

Carl Poppa 🛸

haha it's not a bad thing!

Jason Leow Author

I did *surprise surprise* programming haha. Not computer programming though… but planning the best times to air tv programmes. Was at Discovery Channel doing programming for Animal Planet and then Travel & Living

Jason Leow Author

Did sociology and philosophy in NUS. 😂


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