Day 805 - Failure to launch -

I've been having a launch problem. Built too many plugins, but launched too little. In February, I want to build build build. But I forgot it needs to be paired with another critical action:

Launch launch launch.

And I made 7 plugins recently, but lanched only 1!

What's holding me back? The classic dilemma of work I enjoy versus the work I don't enjoy.

I love building and creating, but don't enjoy making the tutorials for it. That's always been the weak point in pipeline for me. I procrastinate procrastinate procrastinate till like 1-2 months later before the guilt of not launching finally snowballs into a big enough mass to get me to act.

So what can I do? What hacks can I try to ensure I don't skip on work I hate?

Help me out here:

- Lower the bar: Every day do one ridiculously small task at a time.
- Leverage inspiration: Write the tutorial immediately after making plugin.
- Outsource: Hire a copywriter to write the tutorial (but requires familiarity with the code)
- Commit: Recognise the ridiculousness of this problem and just f**king do it.

I think I know which solution to choose now.