Day 660 - Stress and insulin resistance -

For those who are on keto or low carb to work on your insulin resistance but finding it hard, this finding that [Dr Bikman]( just shared looks super interesting – stress as a hidden factor to insulin resistance.

How it works: Cortisol and adrenaline are increased during stress/anxiety and works to increase glucose. So insulin must work harder to lower glucose, making the body increasingly resistant to insulin over time. Stress is one of the 3 primary causes of insulin resistance, potentially leading to Type 2 diabetes.

It's crazy that I'm only knowing this now, yet it's such a great a-ha but face palm moment. Because that's exactly what happened to me.

I've always thought I gained weight and got all the associated chronic conditions due to my poor diet and the carbs I love eating - desserts, pastries, ice cream. The story I made up was how I sought out comfort foods due to associations with food from my growing up years. When in fact at the root it could very well just be ***stress-related***.

Stress also makes the body want to increase glucose, which I'll naturally feel pulled to do by simply eating more sweet treats. Cause and effect. No need to pull in complicated concepts like emotional eating or personal relationship with food and all that therapy sh\*t.

Perhaps this explained why I gained so much weight during that first year I started my own business. I was super stressed. I worked late all the time. That led me to eating fast food and junk, no exercise. No wonder.

Maybe that also explains why it's so easy for me to gain back weight/dad bod, and a nagging suspicion of stubborn insulin resistance.

All because I've been chronically stressed since my first business in 2011. That's a damned decade there. The stress is uneven, with peaks and valleys throughout the ten years, but I definitely had more metabolic and physical ailments during the peaks, and overall health had declined significantly over the past 10 years. I would shrug it off to age, but the decline felt pretty steep and drastic, more so than simply ageing.

I've been sleep biohacking and diet hacking for years, but I now realise those are just working on the surface symptoms, not the root cause.


Fix stress, and I fix my sleep, my diet, my health, my sense of wellbeing.

Oh gosh why am I only learning this after 10 years...... 😫