Day 436 - Update on 5am creators -

My little sleep biohacking community had been growing slowly but steadily for about 7 months since it’s inception on 14 Aug 2021, and it just hit 90 members! 10 more to 100!

What’s working
• Collective learning
• I really enjoy the social aspect of pursuing my goal of 5am and sleep biohacking
• Kept me reading and learning
• Tweeting my wake times daily seems to be the best distribution tactic.
• Tangential traffic to Lifelog
• Learning about community-first product development

What’s not working
• Bored of tweeting wake times daily
• More proactive participation

What can be better
• Track the streaks for wake times for the folks who post on Telegram, e.g. how Makerlog does it. Anyone knows how to code a Telegram bot using Vue.js?
• Grow to 100 members then switch to occasional tweeting
• Too many pinned resources - might need a directory soon
• Thinking about how else to give more value to the members

Those who are in the 5am club, any feedback or comments on what’s working for you, what’s not working and/or how it can be better?