Day 343 - 100 days of blogging, part 2

I crossed 100 days of blogging on LifeBlog a few days ago. Some thoughts, lessons and questions gleaned from the past 100 days of writing about writing.

I wrote part 1 yesterday. This is part 2:

• Re-learning the beginner’s mind
As a community lead, I got to bring others along with me. Having to re-learn the beginner’s mindset was humbling, and kept me grounded.

• The streak as a forcing function
Having to write more and write differently for an audience took it to the next level, forcing new mistakes and failures, catalysing new growth which I would have otherwise never bothered with had I stayed with my personal writing.

• Audience writing 101
I had always wrote only for myself and for my goals. But through the blog, I have to write for others. I got to think like the reader, walk in the shoes of budding daily writers. These are new reflexes, and useful ones for my overall marketing skill stack!

• Making connections to other writers & creators
I ended up connecting and making friends, joining new communities.

• Looking ahead, a new content hub
I repurposed my old writings in this new blog. Now I have a new archive to repurpose writings from. Yet I don’t feel like I got it nailed down despite 100 days. It’s been 100 days of blogging and marketing. Yet I feel like I’ve only just begun.
