Day 877 - Sleep rookie mistakes -

Lately I'm making all the rookie mistakes for my sleep. All over again.

I'm sleeping late, at 10pm or later. I'm not being disciplined about going to bed by 9.30pm, or even 8.30pm on some days to catch up on sleep. These days I catch up by waking late, by clocking my 5 sleep cycles. At least I try to even the sleep debt, but there's been downsides. The constant pendulum between waking at 4+am and 6_am screwed up my body clock. It's so terribly confused right now. Like how last night, I woke at 4am to go to the toilet, but was wide awake after, so decided to just wake and get to work.

Not just am I sleeping later, I'm also scrolling my phone, exposing myself to blue light and stimulating content right till the moment I sleep. It's a bit like revenge bedtime procrastination. I'm trying to fill some emptiness from the day.

I don't do sitting meditation as much at night now, preferring to just sleep. Nothing to help me settle my mind and calm tf down. I think not doing that makes me more prone to poor quality sleep.

In March and April I remembered not even exercising much. Being pretty much a chair potato. That, as well, didn't help with sleep.

And an even worse mistake – I started taking magnesium threonate over my previous magnesium citramate but stupidly forget to check the per serving dosage. The threonate version was *actually* 3 capsules per serving while the previous was 1 cap per serving. So I've been taking 3 times lesser magnesium for months without knowing. No wonder I've been getting occasional leg cramps at night! 😩

It's been a downhill spiral to the death of sleep lately.

I can say it's all due to stress, work, and care responsibilities. I can say it's due to burnout. Many reasons. But it's all still *on* me.

And only *I* can pick myself back up to frequent 90% scores again.

I've done it before. I can do it again.