Day 796 - OMADish -

Latest stage of diet: One meal a day...ish.

I've been on some major diet changes for the past few years. Every year it evolves. In September 2019 I started on keto while doing 16:8 intermittent fasting, eating less than 20g of carbs, high fat and moderate protein. I lost a lot of weight. Actually lost too much and looked unhealthily thin. I did a lot of fats, non-starchy leafy vegetables, and tried lots of keto foods.

Then I prioritized more meat and protein, and ate normally. No fasting. Gained all my weight back in mass, but stayed lean (the way to tell is if your pants stayed loose). I ate almost no vegetables and went all in on meat, mainly pork and beef. It was almost 100% carnivore. No cheating still. And over time, stayed away from keto bakes as my gut didn't like sugar alcohols. But still 3 meals a day.

Now, I'm still on on meat-heavy diet, but eating more vegetables. And sprinkling a lot more carbs in. Cheating a lot more too! But moving towards more intuitive eating, and realising that I only needed 1 heavy meal a day. I would have some butter in the morning, otherwise I would fast. Then a huge meat-heavy meal, with maybe a pastry treat after. Then at most a snack for dinner, like 2 eggs... or nothing.

So I'm on a one-meal-a-day-ish sort of diet now. Seems like the OMAD approach helps counter the carb intake. I don't gain weight like I used too, or feel too bloated. But starting back on carbs definitely feels familiar. That strange carb craving... I never had that when I was carnivore. Easy to see how easy it is to go back to the old ways. Thankfully, the practice of intuitive eating helps counter that.

Now, I get to stay healthy, but still live a little.

Diet is like sleep. An infinite game. It's interesting to see how it evolves over time.

I wonder what my way of eating will look like next year!