Day 635 - Alignment -

Weird. I felt emotional pinning a tweet to my Twitter profile. First time ever.

*From pinning a tweet.*

This is the [tweet]( in question:

> I once wanted my products to earn $1,000,000/year
> Now I'm happy with this
> ![Photo of me and my son in a ball pit](

I wrote a post in August based off this tweet, about how [life is made of memories not money]( And that feeling had since grew within, from a faint whisper to a loud rally cry.

That this is who I am. This is how I roll.

That this is authentic to my motivation behind on indie solopreneurship now.

And this is how I wish to align my internet presence and real life to.

No more pitching of products in the pinned tweets.
Less of selling and marketing on Twitter, more genuine transparency and authenticity.
Lower the noise on building an audience, crank up the volume on building my best self in public.

Then, [give 10x before asking 1x](

I find the FOMO on needing to constantly market loosening its grip inwardly. I care less now. I've let it go...mostly.

I just want to log my journey, grow as a person, build relationships and have fun.

Alignment, online and offline, inwardly and outwardly.

And it never felt more right.

I never felt prouder.