Day 914 - 4th month of $1k monthly revenue -

It's been 4 months since I first crossed the $1,000 monthly revenue milestone. Initially I thought it was a one-off fluke, even though revenue had been climbing slowly but steadily close to the $1k mark in the past months leading up to the month of March.


That's the thing about one-time payments as revenue – you'll never know what you're going to get. There's always a nagging doubt that this month could be the fateful month where you didn't acquire any new customers, and your sandcastle comes crashing down. It's weird when you contrast that doubt with one-time revenue with the optimism of monthly recurring revenue – by itself, customers can still churn, but yet we tend to *expect* MRR to be more reliable and steady.

When can we start to feel more assured in our hot seats and say with confidence that we passed a revenue milestone, when your business model is mainly one-time payments?

I don't know.

But sometimes I like to think that this "I don't know" is a good thing. That I don't take things for granted and start feeling complacent. Because accepting that you can win big with asymmetric bets that will take off like a rocket, also means you might lose it all in an asymmetric black swan event that rug pulls everything you built up under your feet.

The bold might thrive sometimes but only the paranoid survives.

The trick seems to be knowing the best time to be either.