Day 785 - My first plugin just passed 1k downloads -

2 years ago, it didn't even exist. Today, my very first Carrd plugin—the animated accordion FAQs—went past 1000 downloads.

If you're reading this and you've ever downloaded the plugin, thank you for your support. ❤️


It's wild to see this is even possible!

The plugin's origin story was completely happenstance. I was learning Vue.js two years ago and made these tiny little apps as learning projects. Felt it was a waste to let these apps collect dust, so I decided to embed it into Carrd to showcase my learning progress, and also to extend Carrd's features. A brain fart got me thinking of sharing it as a free clone site to others, and like they say, the rest is history. Those were the good old days, when I had to manually clone each site and transfer to requester. And I say it with reminiscent fondness. 😌

Months later, the Seller program on Carrd came into existence and sharing these plugins as templates are now so much easier to do - requester just logs into Carrd and downloads it directly. No manual cloning and transferring required. The upside is sometimes I get a referral fee if they don't have a Pro plan, but it's a bit of hit and miss as not everyone who downloads the template needs a pro plan. Sometimes, people would leave a tip (as it's set at $0 pay what you what). It's less about the money and more about the gesture – that someone found enough value in it to want to open their wallets in appreciation.

To be truly honest, I'm not even sure how this plugin (or any other plugin for that matter) gets around, lest say get to 1k downloads. I do share the link but only on rare occasions, yet the numbers signal it has a life of its own!

And I'm super grateful for it. 🙏