Day 599 - No one is ever too busy -

“I’m too busy / I don’t have time for this” is often a good enough reason for not doing something.

This seems plain simple enough, until we realise that when we say that often enough to ourselves, it morphs from an excuse to an illusion of truth. We start attributing not showing up to causes outside of our control… when it’s totally within our control. It’s only understandable. An excuse—a lie we chose to accept intentionally—causes cognitive dissonance. It literally hurts our mind. It’s easier and more comfortable to take it as some sort of subjective but false personal ‘truth’.

"Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth." – Joseph Goebbels

“I’m too busy / I have no time for this” is just code for “This isn’t my priority right now”.

No one is too busy to eat food, drink water, sleep or have sex.

We don’t forget to do these things because it’s important to us, it feels good. It’s a matter of survival! And survival is our top human instinct and priorities.

It’s all just a matter of priorities.

We’re never “too busy” to write daily, exercise, meditate. So that next time you catch yourself saying it, rephrase it into:

“I’m not too busy to work out. I’m intentionally choosing to not prioritize this right now.”

The key is the self acknowledge, the self awareness, the intentionality behind it. You’re being clear and transparent to yourself, your ego. “Not right now” is a legitimate reason, and you can always choose to revisit the priority again.

Priority > busy