Day 838 - Hard truths from my 2022 indie revenue, cont'd -

I talked about how my [indie products made only $6.2k total last year]( It ain't great progress. I know **something has to change**.

*What should I do?*

Broadly, I see three ways.

1. Increase revenue of existing projects
2. Find new sources of indie revenue
3. Cut costs

Specifically, some ideas:

- Double down on Plugins to increase revenue - launch more free and paid plugins, buy more ads, find more distribution channels, launch projects for it, get affiliates to distribute it for me. I'm already doing a lot here, so it's a matter of compounding further.

- Continue building Lifelog - side project weekend is working, keep going.

- Launch/pivot the projects that's already half-completed anyway, to see if they bring in new revenue sources - Sheet2Bio, Career Conversation Cards, Inclusive Design SG.

- Launch something(s) completely new to create fresh income streams. Truth is, diversity in my portfolio is down. Launch info products, digital downloads, single feature micro SaaS (like earning $5k/m from ads).

- Cut costs. Cutting monetary costs will have minimal effect as I'm not spending much on servers, ads etc. But cutting effort/time (also a cost) will help. Where is my focus? If someone were to see where I spent the most time on per day, what conclusions would he draw? My days are generally split in Outsprint, Plugins, and building in public on Twitter. First 2 pays, the last one, not so sure other than being fun and social. I can cut down on time spent, but all the sunk costs on building up momentum there will be lost. Since I'm spending so much time there, perhaps it's time to build something based off my Twitter audience? Some Twitter tool, info product, community?

*What else do you think I can do?*