Day 787 - The only Twitter hack I've always loved -

I've written a lot about [tiny Twitter hacks I learned]( over the past 2 years being serious on Twitter.

But recently I've thrown the whole playbook out the window, and going back to what got me started on Twitter—and indie hacking—in the first place.

Building in public.

Like, for real building. Actual products. Real sh*t. Doing what I love. Making stuff. Just simply sharing the joy of creating, and connecting with other makers who enjoy doing and reading about the same.

Not tweeting for the sake of "consistency". Not tweeting to get attention for your personal brand. Not talking about "mental models" or "cognitive biases", or "10 ways to use ChatGPT to get rich". Not building an audience. None of that Twitter guru creator BS. I gotta admit, for the past 2 years I experimented a lot in those areas. And I'm sick of it. It's just noise, in the end. I'm equally guilty of adding to that noise, in an already crazily noisy world.

I'm done.

It now feels great to be back building in public, sharing thoughts and ideas about indie hacking, and all my throughputs and outputs. My tweets had been scheduled a month out based on the old approach, but increasingly I'm writing a new tweet for the day, on the day itself, because I have things to share about what I'm building! I'm consistent but not as a end in itself but as a consequence of building. All the past and upcoming scheduled tweets are beginning to feel out of alignment, less authentic, too abstract, too forced. And all the creator accounts I used to follow – boring and bland. I'm kicking many of these accounts out of my engagement list and adding builders back in.

Which I should have always done to start with.

Thinking back, this was exactly how I started on Twitter in the first place, and got me past 1k followers. I just starting to build indie products under a 12 startups in 12 months challenge I set out to do, called [#1mvp1month]( Then I got tempted and influenced by the gurus, went off track.

Now I've come full circle. Back to my roots. Back to my why. Back to who I am.

Makers gotta make.