Day 603 - Memories not money -

I once wanted my products to earn $1,000,000/year

Now I'm happy with this:

![Photo of me and my boy playing in a ball pit](

I [tweeted]( this out as a reminder to myself. It's a tweet that's special and close to heart. A emotionally significant one, more than any viral tweet I had.

That life is made of memories not money.

Not achievements. Not any of my entrepreneur or indie hacking goals.

Yes, money, career goals and all are important things to me. They feed me, fulfil me, give me a sense of purpose in my work. But more and more I feel like they are just enablers for other even more important and urgent things. Like being present to my son, creating memories like this with him, together with my wife.

Sure, money, goals create memories too, but I doubt I will recall how my product got #1 on Product Hunt on my deathbed.

Agree, money does buy happiness to a certain extent, and money is needed for survival, and feeding the family is critical, but such memories are free to create.

*What's life's endgame, ultimately?*

Give me a ball pit with my son anytime, over a viral tweet, a grand exit, huge revenue.