Day 717 - Routine routine routine -

I’m a creature of habit. Routines in my daily life help me think less about what I should be doing, when I should be doing it. It’s the momentum that helps me stay healthy, disciplined, committed to important things in my life – health, mental wellness, family, career. It’s like productivity workflows but for life. It’s the bedrock foundation of everything else that I achieve in life.

And when my routines go awry, everything else downstream gets messed up too.

All it needed was a consultancy project to throw a spanner into the engine. I had a good routine going for the months before that, honed from the past 3 years working from home through the pandemic lockdowns. But the world had reopened, and now work is starting to revert to how it was before, I feel like a sailor being at sea for months and feeling the land-sick when I touch solid ground for the first time. I guess I wasn’t prepared for the disruption to that change, and paid for it through my sleep, exercise, stress levels, family time.

Now I know why my numbers had been going down recently.

I can’t will the world to go back to as before so that I can have my routines again. I’d rather not either. But I can regroup and re-routinize in new ways.

Routine routine routine.