Revamped the /community page into a leaderboard gallery

It's a v1.0 of the numbers page that @Lobacrow and @brianball wrote suggestion posts about. This also includes the number of streaks idea, where users are celebrated for being resilient and bouncing back even if their streak broke:

🐣 First joined
πŸ”₯Top streaks
πŸ•― Best streaks
πŸ” Most streaks
🎯 Most goals
πŸ’¬ Most comments
πŸ“ Most posts

Data fetching would be a nightmare for this page if all data needs to be loaded before displaying the page. Felt pretty smart implementing a way to prefetch data upon `@mouseover.once` - so that the data fetching happens (just one time) the moment the user hovers the cursor over the tab presumably to click it next. That few hundred milliseconds shaved off the loading makes a huge difference! Clicking on to the next tab feels instant now. Now hoping that it'll work on production data!