Day 864 - Don't over-complicate -

They say, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication". It's easy to over-complicate. Making things simple is 10x harder.

Products are like that.

What we often think customers want: Clean design, cheap price, cool branding, latest tech stack, 100 Lighthouse score, etc. But that's because we take cues from successful indie folks who do all that, and assume they are successful because they do that.

So we complicate.

But lately I realised that being focused on what the customer says rather than what the indie influencers say, is way simpler. Way more effective. Speaking to customers, engaging them on their issues, and hearing directly from them their feedback, gives a clearer picture on what truly matters to customers: Helpful product, fast support.

See proof – Exhibit A πŸ‘‡


That's it! That's all to it.

This isnt a one-off email. It's just an example of the many others I get after heloing and talking to them. In the end, it's very simple for customers. It's just us who over-think it, and over-complicate things, when we look to the wrong people for direction.

Focus on what your customers say is the best way to simplicity.